Conférence à Grenoble : "Artificial cells: myths and challenges"

Par Manuel Théry, Institut de biosciences et biotechnologies de Grenoble



Making Life ! What a program ! Cells are the basic unit of life. Can we build a cell from scratch ?

Some call it a synthetic cell or an artificial cell, others, more cautiously, a minimal cell or a protocell. But what are we talking about ?

After a brief list of the various initiatives and strategies that have been officially undertaken in France, Europe and abroad, I will expose my personal way of thinking about it. This will force me to take position and define what life is from a chemical and physical point of view. I will try not to ignore the biological and evolutionary way of thinking about. This introduction will serve as a basis for discussing how to approach the goal of making a living cell and what the expectations might be. The core of the presentation will be around the presentation of few achievements in our lab and in others. Limits, bottlenecks and challenges will be discussed. Of course, looking to the future, we need to go back to where this should have started and discuss the goals of making such a cell: the real motivations and dangers of such a demiurgic project.

En savoir plus

Informations pratiques :

Lieu : Amphithéatre Ampère ‐ GreEn‐ER ‐ 21 avenue des Martyrs ‐ Grenoble
Date : le jeudi 03 avril à 17h (Précédé de l'Assemblée Générale de la section locale Alpes de la SFP à 16h15)





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