GDR CellTiss : Physique de la cellule au tissu

La division Matière Condensée de la SFP est organisatrice des Journées 2018 du GDR CellTiss du CNRS intitulées 'From Soft Matter to Cell Biophysics: Be Simple', du 1er au 3 octobre 2018 à La Chapelle-Gauthier (près de Melun).

La journée du 2 octobre sera plus particulièrement consacrée aux interventions de collaborateurs, académiques ou industriels, et d'anciens élèves de la physicienne Françoise Brochard-Wyart, dont plusieurs invités internationaux: Tom Witten (Univ. Chicago), David Hu (GeorgiaTech), Owe Orwar (Chalmers Univ.) et Lakshminarayanan Mahadevan (Harvard Univ.).

Informations, appel à communications et inscriptions ouvertes jusqu'au 21 septembre sur le site du GDR CellTiss.


Presentation of GDR CellTiss :


The 2018 annual meeting of GDR CELLTISS is organized jointly with an international workshop entitled "Be Simple" organized to celebrate the distinguished scientific career of Françoise Brochard-Wyart and her contribution to our understanding of biological matter from the perspective of soft matter physics (liquid crystals, polymers, (de)wetting and hydrodynamics).

The meeting will focus on current biophysical topics addressed at different levels, from molecular to cellular and tissue scales. Despite the complexity of living systems, some properties and behaviors can be explained with very simple arguments originating from concepts developed in soft matter physics or by analogy with other phenomena. This is typically the approach that has guided Françoise Brochard-Wyart since she started to orient her research activities towards biophysics, at the late nineties at the Curie Institute and can be summarized by her moto “Be Simple”.

One day will be completely dedicated to Françoise, with presentations given by world-renowned physicist friends and by younger former students who have then made significant advances in Francoise's footsteps. These talks will cover themes like active biological matter, collective phenomena and self-organization and cell/tissue rheology, which are core themes of the GDR CellTiss. The rest of the meeting will allow PhD students, postdocs and researchers from the GDR CellTiss community to present their recent works related to the abovementioned topics or beyond, e.g. in systems biology, biomimetic systems, ...


Speakers, program and registration


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